Algorithm Integrity

latest update 09-April 18:00 MST

(all dates 2024, click above link to jump to latest entry)

2024 is our third year of framing current "AI" developments around Algorithm Integrity.  What provoked this entry today is the news that Elon Musk is reported to have stated on X (twitter) that the pace of compute power growth devoted to pursuing artificial intelligence is growing by an order of magnitude approximately every 9 months.  If true, this is an astonishing pace.  Consider the first exponential growth "rule" proposed by Gordon Moore in the 1960s - Moore's Law - which accurately predicted the pace of semiconductor capability development as doubling every 18 months.  Can one say that Elon's rule is 10x Moore's Law (5x the rate in half the time)?  I am not sure about that comparison, but the point is that the onrushing machine advancement in the area of generative software trained on ever growing databases of human knowledge, capabile of transforming ever more sophisticated prompts into what seems like machine sentience, is moving at the fastest exponential growth rate so far experienced by humankind. 

This naturally leads most commentators to speculate on how such technology will impact our world (our world being fleshly human existence on planet earth (and perhaps soon, nearby planets and moons)).  Most immediately leap to the idea that machine intelligence will overwhelm man, maybe within the next 18-24 months.  But stop right here!  Nothing developed so far, or possible to develop on the present path of "AI" evolution will ever reach, much less surpass, humans having Spirit of God infused hearts.  Human life is NOT the result of eons of random happenstance.  The Bible tells us By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host (Psalm 33:6).  Nothing has changed from Federico Faggin's observation in his book "Silicon" which I reviewed two years ago.  His conclusion then was that computers canNOT replicate human consciousness.  I extend that now to include GPT technology - tech that combines vast databases with algorithms to review the entire contents of such databases, identify the salient entries per the prompt inputs, and generate ever more human like responses. 

Of course, those with no anchor in the divine creation are easily fooled.